The Complete Solution – Security Officer + Technology
With our experience, we understand Access Control and your priorities. We also understand how to make your experience better all while saving room in your budget.
Better Residential Security starts with a complete solution.
Overcome dark hours and poor customer service.

Better Inventory Checkpoints and Truck Gates.
Overcome the Guard Hour grind and break free from the endless, illegible paperwork.
Better Employee Access
Standardize the process of who enters your facility. Prepare to prevent workplace violence with access control.

Verification Please
VGS supports many means of access verification.
- Barcode
- QR Code
- Driver’s License
- PIN number
- Custom methods available
Automate or Combine
Our solution gives you the option to keep an Operator in between complete autonomy, or not.

Let’s Connect.

Access Control.
Reduce costs, secure access and track inventory movement all with the Virtual Security Officer.
Labor shortages and cost analysis have all shown that the price of Security is only going up – wedge between the budget and safety with Core Security Services.